I posted on Facebook today a little complaint about how some of the people I like to follow on Blogger aren't posting anything on their blogs. Well if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black...
Granted, I don't feel as if there's anything to really blog about. My life is hardly anything of legend. In-fact, I get so bored thinking about my day-to-day life that I often try not to think about it.
But that's not what life is all about, I suppose. It's about the small moments, the little things here and there that make life special. So, here are a few things in the last few (several) months that have been special.
I hosted Thanksgiving. This is the third year I've done it and I love it. Even in the moments leading up to sitting down for dinner when I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off, rebuffing all help because "I can do this, damnit!", getting irritated because my brother doesn't put the crackers on the plate right, fussing at the food because it's not doing exactly what I want it to do and wondering why I chose to do so many different dishes...even in all of that, I love it. After all, it's once a year, not every day. Goodness knows, if it were every day, I probably wouldn't do it.
Christmas. I'll keep that one to myself, I think.
Justan and Shana Slagle got married. I love these guys.
I went to the Cape Fear Museum with Isabella and Kayla. The #1 reason I wanted to move down here to NC was to spend more time with my niece, Isabella, and any moment I can spend with her is special. Especially when ice cream is involved. And the river.
Bonfires, pancakes and a little dusting of snow.
Family dinners, Easter decorations, Brandon's ## birthday (complete with Swamp Thing cake), Amanda's baby shower (which was preceded by an all-nighter so I could finish the crib set that I may or may not have procrastinated.
A life change that I don't think I'm quite ready to talk about on the internet, if at all. No, I'm not pregnant.
The discovery of termites!! Have you ever experienced a termite swarm in your bedroom?? DO NOT put that on your bucket list. It's disgusting and terrifying at the same time (not terrifying because I was scared of them hurting my person, but scared that they would find their way into all of my furniture and eat it!) This was followed by the death of all the said termites. (Note: if you -do- find yourself in the middle of a termite war in your bedroom, your greatest immediate weapon is a Swiffer Vac)
A lovely trip to Elizabethtown, NC with my husband, complete with: a plaster statue factory, a tour of downtown, a farmer's market that wasn't very farmer-y, a lock and dam (I'm still not entirely sure what that is), a furniture store (I love love love love love looking at furniture), and lunch at an awesome little spot.
Amanda had her baby - sweet little AJ.
My cat brought me a snake into my dining room... yes, still alive, but fortunately very small.
I discovered An Irish Country Doctor by Patrick Taylor and I fell in love. Thus began my small Irish obsession (and by small, I mean short, I never obsess in a small way). Which I haven't entirely given up...but I have toned it down a bit. After further thought I -do- think I'd rather live in GB and just visit Ireland on the odd weekend.
We finally shed our top blanket off of our bed.
The tree frogs emerged! I love 'em. I guess I had forgotten about them... It's funny the things that you grew up with and somehow became part of the background and that you never missed until you came back and realized "Oh! I forgot about those!" I didn't miss the mosquitoes. Those came out in May/June too.
Blueberry Festival. Strawberry pickin' (which, strawberry season is before blueberry season, so the pickin' was quite sad). Beach time! Family time.
I made rice crispy treats with Isabella. This is the first time I'd made them in years, if not a full decade (or two), and...they didn't turn out quite perfectly... haha. They were a little...crunchy, not just crispy.
I went though the arboretum with Brandon. That is always one of my favorite places and it makes me want to have a huge garden (complete with gardener, of-course, because that's just too much work for me).
Ingram Family Reunion in VA. Good times.
I made bread for the first time in...a very long time. Over 10 years I'm sure. Gosh! It's surreal that I'm that old. It's been more than 10 years since I was in high school! I graduated on May 23, 2003. Goodness. Thank goodness... I wouldn't go back to high school for anything in the world.
Independence Day. Did you know that it wasn't until I was in college that I learned how to spell independence without trial and error? I was in a class with Dr. MacDonald, he had it up on the board and somehow it just clicked. I remember saying to myself "Oh...all the vowels are e's, okay" (except for the i, of-course). True story.
A horrific sunburn. Man. It hurt for 2 weeks. And it -still- itches!
A lovely (mostly) family vacation to Atlantic Beach, NC. A yearly tradition that is always a joy (mostly).
And that brings us up to speed... I will try to post more regularly, if for nothing else to avoid the trap it sets for me that I don't want to post because there's so much I haven't posted about.
Oh! I almost forgot Oroku. He's my new little Mister.
I know, I already have four cats, what am I doing with a fifth? Well, I'LL TELL YOU! In the next blog post. Because he deserves his own.
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