Thursday, March 3, 2011

Christmas time in Entsminger-land 2010

December is awesome. I love it. The twinkle lights, and Christmas trees and the smell of cinnamon everywhere are just so...calming. I love spring and summer more, but the majesticness of December is pretty great.
I don't have much to say about Christmas, though. It was there, it happened, we got presents, went down and saw Beau, Mandy and Isabella, ate dinner at Brandon's parents' house. Pretty much the same that happened last year - except some of the backdrops of those events were different.
I'll post some pictures for you:

Putting up Christmas Lights and the first snow of the season:

 And the Tree:

"What's this white stuff?"

My Christmas Cactus is starting to bloom!

Music at the Palms:

SVU at Christmas:

Christmas Eve:

Christmas Day:

Snow on Christmas!!


The snow was nice on Christmas day, but we had to drive down to NC - and the roads looked like this at first:
Not too bad.
And then they looked like this:

And they just got worse as it got darker...awesome. Ah well. I'm just glad we made it down to Wilmington alive!

And of course, the snow followed us...

"nap time" No...of COURSE it's not staged. :-/ We have a picture like this for every Christmas. I couldn't NOT get one for her 5th Christmas. Probably the last picture like this I get, but that's okay.
My favorite picture EVER! I love it.
Anyway, that's pretty much Christmas in a nut shell! It was pretty good. :)

Next up:
Winter 2011. New Years and beyond. (And then maybe, just maybe, I'll be caught up!)

There are more pictures on our Shutterfly account for Christmas time in Entsminger-land.


  1. I love your tree and all the decorations at your house! Sorry I haven't had the chance to comment on the other posts, I have read them, but am always holding a baby at the same time. Looks like you and your hubby have lots of fun together!


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